April 2019

Stainless steel vs carbon steel

Stainless steel vs carbon steel
Is stainless steel better than carbon steel?

Is stainless steel better than carbon steel? As a materials engineer the answer to this question is a classical two handed one. “On the one hand, yes. But on the other hand, no.” This isn't indecision, but fact. 

February 2019

Corrosion Resistant Alloys

Corrosion Resistant Alloys
Corrosion Resistant Alloys - Specialists in the right environment

The family of metals known as Corrosion Resistant Alloys (CRAs) covers a wide variety of materials, but in the context of this article we'll be considering those alloys more corrosion resistant than the common stainless steels, so the higher alloyed austenitic stainless steels, nickel alloys, etc. 

December 2018

Deep Mine Interview

Deep Mine Interview
Unusual cases from the archives - Deep mines and pop bottles

Dr Hoyle is one of the UK’s leading materials engineers. He has a depth of knowledge accrued from decades of investigations and this enables him to solve problems that leave most others scratching their heads. We caught up with him recently to ask about some of the more unusual cases he has come across.

November 2018

Storage Tank Interview

Storage Tank Interview
Unusual cases from the archives - Storage tanks and Government contracts

Dr Hoyle is one of the UK’s leading materials engineers. He has probably dealt with more storage tank issues than anyone in the country. We caught up with him recently to ask about some of the more unusual cases he has come across.